Another sunny Hollywood Blvd walk during Joseph’s afternoon break lands him a chance to grab a picture of a hot action movie celebrity!
After a fun and busy morning meeting guests at the Hollywood Wax Museum I decided to take a stroll on my break. It was an awesome sunny day, and you know I can’t resist checking out what’s happening on our block. Needless to say, this turned into one of the best breaks EVER when I happened upon Vin Diesel!
I mean, this is the guy from The Fast and the Furious movies, not to mention Boiler Room and The Chronicles of Riddick.
Speaking of which, the sequel Riddick opens today in theaters. Did you know Vin believed so much in this movie that he had to leverage his house to fund it? He said he actually would have lost his house if they hadn’t completed the project. Adding more pressure, they had to film it in 47 days, about half the time it took to film the orignal movie. Wow! Way to go Vin for believing so passionately in your work!
Another thing that’s cool about Vin… he’s not just a hero in the movies. Back in 2002, he rescued a family from their burning car! It happened when the car in front of him lost control and toppled over. Vin pulled off to the side of the freeway to help. He acted quickly to get the kids out from the back seat and then helped their dad crawl out of the passenger side to safety before the car exploded into flames. Talk about amazing!
All the excitement sure got my appetite worked up, so I stopped by the Snow White Cafe on my way back to work and took out some Spaghetti Bologonese in honor of Vin’s favorite food-Italian!
Wow Joseph! Thanks for the great story! Readers: Now we want to hear from you. What’s your favorite Vin Diesel flick and will you be seeing Riddick? Post your comments below or on Facebook!